25 March 2012

How to act like Sheldon Cooper From Big Bang Theory

Everyone wants to talk like Sheldon Cooper from BBT, so here's a post to help you with that

sheldon cooper,mister bean,sheldon and bean
Also he might be the new Mr Bean

Even though he himself is uncomfortable around people, and in turn makes everyone around him very uncomfortable, there are many people who want to know how to talk like Sheldon Cooper amongst their friends.
Well, we’re not going to stop you.

In fact, we’ve gathered a few things on how to talk like Sheldon Cooper, so just read ahead and start practising!

1. Pretend to not understand sarcasm . Sheldon Cooper (allegedly) suffers from Asperger syndrome, a condition of autism which makes it very difficult for people who suffers from it to understand it. Take everything as if it was meant literally.Dont use any figures of speech

2. Use lot of Trivial information . Add lot of 'Did You Know' s to your dialogue

3. Act as if you are superior to others around you . As if the whole world revolves around the place you are standing. Narcissistic is behaviour necessary to talk like Sheldon Cooper.

4. Don’t give a Damn for social etiquette. Sheldon Cooper always talks without censoring his words

5. Use lots of words . Sheldon uses many words that force you to look it up in the dictionary.

Here's How Jim Parsons (Sheldon) Really Behaves:

Warnings: When Jim Parsons plays Sheldon Cooper he has a nice fan following. If you behave like Sheldon You might lose friends and be called creepy!
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..and yeah you might wanna check this out top 5 funniest youtube channels worth subscribing


  1. Cool!,
    But it'll make you lose friends

  2. My friends say im alot like sheldon

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I don't act like I am superior to others I know I am. More superior and evolved.

  5. Who cares about losing friends? It clearly stated NOT to care about social etiquette.

  6. I am better than Sheldon Cooper. I am unearthly.

  7. Pfftt... 'Neanderthals'

  8. Best Halloween costume idea ever!!!


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